Autonomous Aeroplane

Autonomous (pilotless) aeroplanes

Aeroplanes have used auto-pilots for many years to control flights. Human pilots only take over during take-off and landing. Autonomous (pilotless) aeroplanes would make even more extensive use of sensors, actuators and microprocessors to control all stages of the flight. 

Some of the main features of a control system on a pilotless aeroplane would include:

» sensors to detect turbulence to ensure smooth flights
» an increase in self-testing of all circuits and systems
» sensors that would automatically detect depressurisation in the cabin,

therefore allowing for quick stabilisation of the aeroplane

» use of GPS for navigation and speed calculations
» use of actuators to control, for example, throttle, flaps (on the wings) and the rudder.

Consider some of the advantages and disadvantages specific to pilotless aeroplanes:
